Kill Greedy Procss
This script continuously monitors processes and kills those that have been running for at least 3 consecutive minutes with 100% CPU usage, excluding critical system processes. It operates in an infinite loop, periodically checking the CPU usage of processes and terminating the ones that meet the specified criteria.
# Script: saveCpu.sh
# Description:
# This script continuously monitors processes and kills those that have been
# running for at least 3 consecutive minutes with 100% CPU usage, excluding
# critical system processes. It operates in an infinite loop, periodically
# checking the CPU usage of processes and terminating the ones that meet the
# specified criteria.
# Process selection criteria:
# - Processes with CPU usage of 100% are considered.
# - Only processes with CPU time in the format "HH:MM:SS" are considered.
# Process termination conditions:
# - Processes that have been running for at least 3 consecutive minutes with
# 100% CPU usage are terminated.
# - Critical system processes and the script itself are excluded from termination.
# Usage:
# - Make sure the script is executable (chmod +x cpu_monitor.sh).
# - Run the script: ./cpu_monitor.sh
while true; do
ps -eo pid,%cpu,time,cmd --sort=-%cpu |
awk '
$2 == 100 && $3 ~ /:/ {
split($3, time, ":")
if ((time[1] * 60 + time[2]) >= 3) {
} else {
delete consecutive_minutes[$1]
output = ""
for (pid in consecutive_minutes) {
if (consecutive_minutes[pid] >= 3) {
output = output " " pid
if (output != "") {
printf "%s", output | "xargs -r kill -9"
sleep 100